Hellenic Ornithological Society, photo: G.Alexandris
Getting involved
To achieve this difficult goal we need your help!!
Getting involved:
EBBA2 and GBBA1 projects will use actual field data wherever possible and many sources are considered suitable to provide information. If you are interested to participate you can select either of the following main methods:
A. Casual Records
You can submit anything you record, from complete lists to casual records of rare species for any10-km or 50-km square in Greece. Observations can be collected via on-line platforms such as Ornithotopos - BirdTrack, Ornitho, Observation, etc. or sent in by completing the specific Casual Records Form.
B. Systematic Breeding Bird Monitoring Schemes
This method comprises the collection of data from a choice of systematic monitoring schemes, providing relative abundance of birds for specific 10-km squares. You can participate in any of the following schemes,


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Copyright © 2024 Hellenic Ornithological Society
Themistokleous 80, GR-10681, Athens, Greece,
Tel/Fax: +30 210 8227937, +30 210 8228704,
Fragkon 22, GR-54625, Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel/ Fax: +30 2310 244245,