Hellenic Ornithological Society, photo: G.Alexandris

Find the best volunteer opportunity for you

1. What type of volunteering suits me?

  1. Citizen’s science
    1. Monitoring a reserve
    2. Monitoring birds
    3. Ringing
  2. Conservation Actions in a reserve
  3. Environmental Education and Public Awareness
  4. Law Advisory
  5. Office (Athens')
  6. Something different

2. At which area would I like to volunteer?

  1. Athens
  2. Thessaloniki
  3. Antikithira Observatory
  4. Gialova, Pylos
  5. Vritta, Edessa
  6. Aegean
  7. In my home - area in Greece

3. How much time do I have?

  1. 1-2 days/ month
  2. 3-10 times/ year
  3. 2+ weeks during summer
  4. 2+ weeks during spring - autumn

4. I would like to see all the volunteering opportunities in H.O.S.

  1. Show all volunteering opportunities

Latest posts from the ABO blog
Volunteer stories

Basilis Raitsinis: Discovering birds and wildlife

My first contact with birds was almost one year and a half ago at the beautiful lake of Agra. I went there with my friend who already was a caretaker of the area to found out what kind of activity is the birdwatching.

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Themistokleous 80, GR-10681, Athens, Greece,
Tel/Fax: +30 210 8227937, +30 210 8228704,
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Tel/ Fax: +30 2310 244245,