Hellenic Ornithological Society, photo: Christos Toskos
GR018 Strymon delta
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Criteria: A1, A4i, B1i, C1, C2
Coordinates: 40o 48' N 23o 50' E (Map)
Altitude: 0-2 m
Area: 1300 ha

Site Description
A coastal river delta with saltmarsh, brackish coastal lagoons, wet grassland and reedbeds ( Phragmites ).

Habitats: Artificial landscapes (40%, Arable land; Other urban and industrial areas; Perennial crops, orchards and groves), Grassland (5%, Humid grasslands), Wetland (55%, Coastal lagoons; Salt marshes; Sand dunes and beaches; Standing freshwater; Tidal rivers and enclosed tidal waters; Water fringe vegetation)

Land use: agriculture (50%), fisheries/aquaculture (30%), urban/industrial/transport (10%), water management (30%)

Protection status
National Partial International None
220ha of IBA covered by Wildlife Reserve (Tsourakia- Gefyra Amfipolis/Amfipolis- Neon, 220ha).1300 ha of the IBA are covered by Special Protection Area (SPA) EKVOLES POTAMOY STRYMONA(GR1260002).

This is an important site for breeding, passage and wintering waterbirds.

Species Season Year Min Max Acc Criteria
Phalacrocorax pygmeus Pygmy Cormorant winter 0 Common average A1, C1
Pelecanus crispus Dalmatian Pelican passage 0 - 250 unknown A1, A4i, B1i, C1, C2

Conservation issues
The main threats are from the expansion of agriculture and increased industrial and tourism developments. The area is a candidate SAC.

Threats: agricultural intensification/expansion (high), aquaculture/fisheries (medium), disturbance to birds (unknown), industrialization/urbanization (high), infrastructure (medium), recreation/tourism (medium), unsustainable exploitation (medium)

Source: Important Areas for the Birds of Greece
Copyright © Hellenic Ornithological Society

IBA caretakers

Hellenic Ornithological Society
Important Bird Areas
Important Bird Areas of Greece
Copyright © 2024 Hellenic Ornithological Society
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Komninon 23, GR-54624, Thessaloniki, Greece, Tel/ Fax: +30 2310 244245, e-mail: