Hellenic Ornithological Society, photo: Christos Toskos
GR171 Central Rodos and the areas of Lindos, Mesanagros and Katavia-Prassonisi
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Criteria: B2, B3, C6
Coordinates: 36o 10' N 27o 55' E (Map)
Altitude: 0-1219 m
Area: 50000 ha

Site Description
The majority of the area is a mixture of conifer forest and maquis, and phrygana scrub.

Habitats: Artificial landscapes (20%, Arable land; Perennial crops, orchards and groves; Ruderal land), Coastline/rocky areas (20%, Inland cliffs; Sea cliffs and rocky shores), Forest (15%, Native coniferous woodland), Grassland (5%, Steppes and dry calcareous grassland), Shrubland (40%, Sclerophyllous scrub, garrigue and maquis), Wetland (5%, Rivers and streams)

Land use: agriculture (90%), military, not utilised (10%), tourism/recreation (10%), urban/industrial/transport (5%)

Protection status
National Partial International Partial
Part of IBA covered by Wildlife Refuge (Kissos- Gina/Lindou Rodou, 370ha). Part of IBA covered by Wildlife Refuge (Tsabika- Faliraki- Pr. Ilias- Psalidi/Archagelou- Afan, 2,936ha). Part of IBA covered by Wildlife Refuge (Vounokalathou/Laermon- Lardou- Kalathou Rodou, 3,400ha). Part of IBA covered by Biogenetic Reserve.

This is an important area for species associated with Mediterranean scrub. Species of global conservation concern that do not meet IBA criteria: Falco naumanni (breeding).

Species Season Year Min Max Acc Criteria
Otus scops Common Scops-owl resident 1995 Common unknown B2
Athene noctua Little Owl resident 1995 Common unknown B2
Buteo rufinus Long-legged Buzzard resident 1997 15 25 poor B2, C6
Falco biarmicus Lanner Falcon resident 1996 1 3 poor B2, C6
Emberiza caesia Cretzschmar's Bunting breeding 1997 Frequent unknown B3, C6

Conservation issues
The main threats are from fire, hunting, development for tourism, and infrastructure development. Part of the area is a candidate SAC.

Threats: abandonment/reduction of land management (unknown), burning of vegetation (high), construction/impact of dyke/dam/barrage (medium), forest grazing (medium), industrialization/urbanization (low), infrastructure (high), recreation/tourism (high), unsustainable exploitation (high)

Source: Important Areas for the Birds of Greece
Copyright © Hellenic Ornithological Society

IBA caretakers

Hellenic Ornithological Society
Important Bird Areas
Important Bird Areas of Greece
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